Learn About Dynamic Positioning


Wind, waves, and current and forces produced by the propulsion system all exert forces on a seagoing vessel. Dynamic positioning – The DP uses the vessel’s propellers and thrusters to maintain the vessel’s direction and head. The DP training Singapore is one such centre to know and practice how to carry out the various activities assigned with dynamic positioning.

What happens in dynamic positioning?

  • The direction-reference devices, gyrocompass, and vertical reference sensors calculate the vessel’s reaction to these forces, i.e. its changes in position, heading, and speed.
  • Readings from the vertical calibration sensors are used to adjust reference device readings for roll and pitch. The wind sensors calculate the speed and direction of the wind.
  • The K-Pos dynamic positioning control system measures the thruster forces used to control the vessel’s motion in three degrees of freedom in the horizontal plane – wave, sway, and yaw.
  • Furthermore, the K-Pos device tolerates transient errors in measuring systems and responds accordingly if the thruster units fail.

Many offshore operations need to hold a vessel in a fixed location and to head. Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems use continuously working thrusters to automatically control a vessel’s direction and heading while balancing environmental forces.

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